Cardano began with a vision of a world without intermediaries, in which power is not controlled by an accountable few, but by the empowered many.
ADA Strong Stake Pool Operators
ADA Strong is a collaborative stake pool initiative designed to provide a meaningful contribution to the decentralization of the Cardano ecosystem and growing the network while earning rewards for ourselves and the delegates who partner with us. We have been devoted to the Cardano blockchain and cryptocurrency project from the first moment we heard Charles Hoskinson share his vision.
Our core team consists of three individuals from Florida with a combined skill set that is uniquely relevant to the role of Cardano stake pool operation. We also rely on several team members who perform supporting roles through web design, content creation, social media management, and community outreach efforts. Every member of our team has a level of commitment to ADA Strong that is rooted in their enthusiasm and passion to see the Cardano project exceed expectations and transform the cryptocurrency space to affect global change.
Our previous success on the testnet left us confident that our results would not just be replicated wth the launch of Shelley, but would far surpass our earlier achievements. Our hard work and effort paid off as we were selected as a slot leader multiple times in the inaugural Epoch 211. Our performance has only increased since then as we attract new delegators and continue to earn slot leader status repeatedly.
We hope that you will consider partnering with the ADA Strong Stake Pool team as we work hard to earn passive income for our pool members in the form of PoS Cardano rewards. It is an honor to assist in growing this magnificent Cardano community and fostering an environment where each of our delegators becomes one of the empowered many and thereby resonating the very essence of the purpose of Cardano.
If you'd like to learn more about how to get involved in the Cardano community, check out our page explaining how to stake Cardano.
ADA Strong Policies & Contact Information
Ada Strong Privacy Policy
As we're sure you are aware, one of the core features of cryptocurrency is anonymity, and we have no desire to deviate from that concept on our website. We value privacy as much as the next guy and do not collect, sell, or share any personal information from your visit to our website. The only data that is provided when you visit is your IP address, which only reveals your general location (country, state, etc). No personal information is revealed or gathered.
We only use IP address data to analyze traffic to our website in order to provide the best possible user experience to our audience. In addition, our site does not block any visitors who use a VPN to obscure IP address information. We do not share IP address information with any third parties within any industry.
Any information that is made known to us through email or other methods of contact, including email addresses, is kept completely confidential and is never shared with any other parties of any kind. We do not support or believe in nefarious data collection for gain and will never participate in that type of activity.
Contact Us Information
Start a stake pool they said. It will be fun they said. Turns out they were right. Operating a stake pool within the Cardano community is fun (and rewarding..). We have had the pleasure of connecting with some of the most awesome people while on this journey.
We would love to get to know you, say hello, hear your input and thoughts, and answer any questions you might have. We look forward to connecting with potential and existing delegators as well as other stake pool operators. The best way to contact us is through our email address listed below.
ADA Strong Email: [email protected]
To connect with our stake pool through the delegation center of your wallet or exchange, our Stake Pool identification information is below:
ADA Strong Stake Pool Ticker: ADAST
Ada Strong Stake Pool ID: e2eed9f58a161573050ab9324252b4fcccbf9fe06e1a034b6f91d748
Please feel free to reach out to us!!
While we are very good at navigating the Cardano ecosystem and stake pool operation, we don't want you to mistake us for professional financial advisors. We realize our enthusiasm for Cardano (and we do have a lot of it), can be contagious, however, we only seek to inspire individuals with our passion, not influence any investment decision making.
All of the data, explanations, and insight you find on this website are for informational purposes and should not be considered professional financial advice. We provide the information on this website based on our personal experience, knowledge, and skills, however, we do not hold any credentials in investment practices nor do we intend to imply or share investment experiences outside of our personal contributions to and interactions with Cardano.
The information on our website is to assist you once you've made the decision to become involved with the Cardano community. We are not seeking to convince you that Cardano or any other cryptocurrency is right or wrong for you. You are your own best financial decision-maker and we have no intention of trying to commandeer that role. If you are seeking professional investment guidance or advice, we recommend that you contact a certified financial advisor or firm.
Our audience will always have our full cooperation and effort in maintaining a comprehensive and accurate resource guide for potential and existing Cardano stake delegators to the absolute best of our ability.